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On 2011-06-30 11:07, planas wrote:

On Wed, 2011-06-29 at 15:35 -0700, Ross Bernheim wrote:

I am running Libreoffice on a Mac.

I can export data to a Libreoffice spreadsheet and from there to a database table in Libreoffice.
When i then go to file-new-labels. It will let me put in the database, table and database fields.

Problem is that the format section will not let me select the right label. 

I want to use Avery A5444 labels. I downloaded the template for the labels from Avery's 
web site. My printer is an old NEC SuperScript 870 which runs an emulation of an HP series
2 laserjet. It always prints to the left edge of the paper tray. The labels feed in the center. 

I opened the Avery template and did a save as a Liberoffice document and edited the paper size 
to 8.5 inches wide and set the left margin at 2.25 inches which centers the label correctly for 
I checked by entering some test text in the document and printing. 

I then saved the document, after deleting the test text, as a Libreoffice template. 

The template does not show up as a selection in the format section of the labels dialog. 

How do I get my modified template to show up and be usable?

Thank you for any assistance you can provide.


Ross Bernheim

Try opening a new document from a template. I am not sure on a Mac the
path. When open one of my personal templates I have to open a folder
called my templates. I believe you will have something similar.

I use Linux primarily.

I just tried the following in writer but not sure if it is what you want.
I went File>New>Labels.
Then I set the parameters of my label and clicked "Save" and saved as
Brand = Steve, Type = Label1
I could then use my own designed label as a New label. May be you will
need to create the label format this way instead of a template from
their site.

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