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Le 24/06/11 15:13, lee a écrit :

Hi Lee,

Now I would like to make it so that I can press a button and be
presented with a form or the like that lets me fill in the variable
data, inserts the data at the appropriate places into the document,
saves the document to a file I specify and exports the document as PDF
with a password for access rights to the PDF file set.

How do I do that? Does it take some kind of advanced programming?

If you don't want to go down the mailmerge route, then the answer is
yes, you will need to be able to program it in Basic or some other
scripting language that LibO knows how to interpret (Javascript or
Python for example) and can bind with UNO dialog components.

Really, the simplest way would be to use a Calc spreadsheet to hold the
data, and then bind those fields to your text document. Even here
though, if you want it to automatically export your filled in text
document as a password protected PDF, you will need to learn some kind
of programming to automate it.

Alternatively, use text placeholders in your document, but this will
force you to type in each time for each and every different data set.


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