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On Wed, 22 Jun 2011 14:08:14 -0400

Sam Frybyte <> typed:
YEs! I can't install it either I get two errors
2908 and 1935
Still hoping that someone has an answer to how to solve
But I wasn't aware that there was a way to download the
previous version can you direct me to that?
Hmm, apparently not. OO.o still has the old versions download list but I 
can't find anything like it on LibreO. Either I just missed it, or they 
don't have such a page for Libre. I had it because I downloaded it shortly 
after it was released.
   Have you tried to look up the error msgs to see what those numbers mean?
   Sorry I'm not much help. Perhaps you can find someone near you who has it 
and get a copy from them. Perhaps Google could find it for you?
Please check this bugreport in OOo's bugzilla:

They give a solution there, maybe this works for LibO too? 


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