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On 2011-06-20, Mark Stanton wrote:

Ah yes, that was simple.

It looks a bit odd to me that, when I put in the centre tab, I have 
to pick a position for it, surely it should just centre itself 
depending on the page settings?

The "centered" in "centered tab" is about how text is aligned at the
tab, not about the tab position in the page -- you can have a centered
tab 2cm from the left margin.

But yes, it'd be useful to have something like a button to set the
position to the middle. (Suggested workaround: deduce text width from
the page margins and divide by two. :-) )

And then, it clears all the tabs to its left, but leaves the ones to 
its right, isn't that a bit weird too?  I can make that (both of them 
in fact) do what I want, but it just seems a little 

The ones that disappear are the default tabs, which are used when you
insert tab characters and there is no tab defined. As you defined a tab,
now default tabulations are only needed right to[*] the tab you just

Think of it as a way to define the "undefined behavior" of what happens
when you insert a tab character and there are no (more) tabulations set.

[*] or "left to", when writing right-to-left text.

One small step for mankind...
... a giant leap for [a] man?

Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg)

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