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On 2011-06-19, Brian Barker wrote:

At 10:19 15/06/2011 +0100, Mark Stanton wrote:
To reproduce a very common printing style I want to have a header
line (on every page) in my document with the page number on the
right or left depending on whether it's a right or left page, and
also centred text (on the same line).

I think the first bit isn't too hard (is it?), but I can't work out
how to have centred text and not centred text on the same line.

Anyone know how?

Yup.  You'll have worked out that you need separate page styles for
right and left pages, with the Next Style of each set to the other - 
so that they alternate through your document.

You can do it with just one style:

Go to Format -> Page

1. Make sure the document has odd and even pages: in the "Page" tab, in
the "Layout settings" group, pick "Page layout" "Right and left" or

2. Either for header or for footer, go to its tab in the same dialog,
  a) Enable it, by checking the "Header on"/"Footer on" checkbox
  b) Enable different header/footer for odd and even pages by unchecking
  "Same content left/right"

Now you will have headers on your pages, and editing the header of an
odd page only changes odd pages, same for even pages.

For mixing and centering, I suggest tabs too. It seems headers already
have two tab stops defined (at least here with the default template):
exactly the ones you need to have left, centered and right text in one

Nuno J. Silva (aka njsg)

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