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James Wilde <> writes:

On Jun 20, 2011, at 09:23 , Stephan Zietsman wrote:

Roxy Robinson wrote:
 From what I know you have to use Paste Special for what you want to do. Paste Special
has several options that you must choose from, so you cannot "set it" to do only one

Just to elaborate:  you can perform a "Paste Special" by pressing
CTRL+SHIFT+V (instead of the regular paste, which is CTRL+V).  There
should then be an option "Unformatted text".

And at least on the Mac you can press Cmd+Shift+Alt+V and the text will be inserted at the cursor 
point in the format of the document you are pasting to, not the format of the text in the 
document you took it from.  This is apparently not documented anywhere.  Very useful.  But I've 
not been able to find a way to change the key combination to something simpler.  If you're not 
using a Mac, you can test Ctrl+Shift+Alt+V and maybe let us know.

Presumably there is a key combination which would paste it in the format of the originating 
document, but who on earth would want that?  :)

To copy and paste some text, I move the mouse pointer over the text
while pressing the left button. To paste, I move the mouse pointer over
the window I want to paste into and press the middle button to have the
text inserted where the cursor is.

It is as simple and efficient as that. It doesn´t work with LO (and some
other misdesigned applications) because the text isn´t inserted where
the cursor is but, illogically, where the mouse pointer happens to
be. It doesn´t work with LO in particular because attributes of the text
are also pasted, and 99.99999% of the time I don´t want the attributes
to be pasted.

Having to go through menus and pop-up windows and having to select some
options is way too much fuss and horribly inefficient. Switching back
and forth between trackball and keyboard isn´t any better.

It´s several short lines of text I need to get into my document from a
page displayed in the web browser, i. e. a street address and a name or
two, one after another. Since copy and paste is broken, I can only type
them in, which is annoying and prone to errors.

Can´t they just fix it so that copy and paste works as can be expected?

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