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What I am wondering about is the meaning of "is not signed"?
I use 64-bit DEBS, but I never got an error saying something about a archived file not being signed.
What causes that error message?  Is it something to do with a corrupt 
file or something to do with the way it was archived?  That is the real 
issue right now.
I have not tried 3.4.0 on my systems [Ubuntu 64-bit, and 32-bit, plus 
Vista 32-bit].
Instead of saying the person should wait for a next version, we need to 
figure out what is causing the error that is cropping up.
I do not know if downloading is the issue, but here are the two we have 
on the NA Community DVD.
These are a direct link to the 64-bit RPM that is on the NA testing 
portal - 3.3.2, and then 3.4.0.


On 06/11/2011 08:33 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Or even better (perhaps) wait for a week or 2 and then download the 3.3.3 after
initial bugs are ironed out
Regards from
Tom :)

----- Original Message ----
From: Tom Davies<>
Sent: Sat, 11 June, 2011 13:28:31
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: install problem LibO 3.4

Ouch!  If it has failed again i would definitely try the 3.3.2 instead of  the
3.4.0.  I tend to have more luck with 32bit versions even on my  64bit machine

the point where i gave-up and installed a 32bit OS (Ubuntu  32bit).

The devs mailing list might be more helpful at getting the 64bit  3.4.0 to work

because it's quite an advanced problem so the users list  probably hasn't got
anyone that knows this stuff on that level.

Apols and regards from
Tom :)

----- Original  Message ----
From: Ben Davis<>
Sent: Sat,  11 June, 2011 3:42:15
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: install problem  LibO 3.4

I tried downloading this file  again
  (LibO_3.4.0_Linux_x86-64_install-rpm_en-US.tar.gz) from mirror   server
  the  SHA256 is correct (identical to hash on  your

  so  no download corruption

can you tell me how I can fix  this or which  forum/email to use to deal
this problem  (please).
On 9 June 2011  12:57, Ben Davis<>    wrote:

I just downloaded 3.4 x64 linux  package from your  website, and got this
installation  error:
*   Package   libobasis3.4-en-US-3.4.0-12.x86_64.rpm is not signed*
downloaded  aprox  12 noon Malaysian time (5am BST...4AM GMT?) June 9th
Do  I need to  download again? or can I import signature?

  >   thanks
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