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That's because you top-post where everybody instinctively looks.  Had
you bottom-posted the email would have been ignored.

On Sat, 2011-06-04 at 18:11 -0700, At0mic wrote:

OK thanks to all. Looks like the version change works without complaint in
Office 2010. I should also accept mea culpa in not reading the release notes
first, as this would have exposed the problem to me earlier. I am amazed at
how quickly responses came through though, impressive!

Thankyou all.


Tom Davies wrote:
Good work and interesting :)  You can change which ODF Format Version 
LibreOffice uses by going to the "Tools" menu 

Tools - Options - "Load/Save" - General - "ODF Format Version"
and change the drop-down from 1.2 Extended to 1.0/1.1.

Thanks Dennis, regards all from
Tom :)

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