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Hi :)
Please file a bug-report

Oh, you know you can use it happily and safely.  It's just MS trying to force 
people to buy their product by pretending that other things are suspicious.  Why 
people continue to believe MS is beyond me.  There are so many reports over the 
years about their formats being infected or transmitting malware (by their style 
of macros mostly and ActiveX if that's used) whereas absolutely none seem to 
have been transmitted by Open Document Formats.  

However, it does mean that you can't send anything to MS users without looking 
either bad or superior (depending on the person but usually bad).  

People that want to appear to be security concious use MS products with stacks 
of anti-malware and intriguingly sophisticated ways of working to avoid or check 
sites they visit.  But people that are really serious about security and just 
want to run robust systems without spending hours and hours on keeping it  free 
from malware run a *nix and OpenSource rather than risking letting malware hide 
in proprietary code that no-one can read or fix.  Intriguingly most anti-virus 
programs claim that about 20% of Windows machines are infected but MS produced 
one that claimed it was more like 80% and this was heralded as a good thing 
because the MS antivirus was 'more thorough'.  Despite false positives and all 
that i still think that 100% or Windows machines are infected as Windows itself 
acts more like a trojan than most trojans imo.  


The important thing is perception.  While you are safe and your files are safe 
people wont tend to believe that and it might damage their long-term view of how 
much they can trust you.  

Regards from
Tom :)

----- Original Message ----
From: At0mic <>
Sent: Sat, 4 June, 2011 15:18:31
Subject: [libreoffice-users] LO Writer 3.4.0 --- basic .doc/.odt files not 
understood properly by MS Office 2010

LibreOffice Writer 3.4.0 running under Windows 7 64-bit.

Problem 1  reproduction -
* Start Writer
* Create a document and type in a few words,  nothing special or extravagant
* Save as an .odt file
* Load into MS  Office 2010

Error message:
The file <filename> cannot be opened  because there are problems with the

The file is  corrupt and cannot be opened.

Clicking OK asks if you want to recover the  contents of the document. The
recovered document is correct and  uncorrupted.


Problem 2 reproduction -
* Start Writer
*  Create another document and type in a few words
* Save as a .doc file  (97/2000/XP)
* Load into MS Office 2010

Red toolbar  message:
Protected view - Office has detected a problem with this file.  Editing it
may harm your computer. Click here for details.

It is then  possible to click "Edit anyway" and get on with things. The
loaded file is  correct and uncorrupted.


In the past I've never had problems  with basic files working between both
word processors, but something has  happened which is causing Office 2010 to
dislike both the .doc and .odt  versions of the files LO is saving. This is
not a good thing. I'll refrain  from calling it a bug in case there's an
option within LO which can save the  files in such a way as to pacify Office
2010. Otherwise I can't trust it to  be usable in a mixed environment.

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