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Hi :)
Thanks PLO.  Now that you have confirmed that is likely to be the issue i played 
around with "Format Cells".  I couldn't get an ideal answer that shows a - even 
when the cell is empty but i could get one when the cell has 0 value.  

Select the range of cells and from the top menus select
Format - Cells - Number
and look in the bottom box "Format code".  The standard format for time is 
which pedantically only covers +ve values.  Adding something specific for -ve 
values, such as
helps 'flag-up' if soemthing has gone badly wrong.  The ; (semi-colon) allows 
negative values to have their own formatting rather than just defaulting to 
whatever +ve values have.  A next ; allows us to set how we want 0 values to be 
treated so
puts a - instead of a 0 value.  Note that values that are close enough to 0 to 
be rounded to 0 are still shown as either black or red 00:00s in that example.

I tried adding more ; to see if that would let us give a - for an empty value 
but it didn't work.  I'm sure there is a tick-box somewhere to do that but it 
doesn't seem to be in the format cells dialogue box in 3.3.2.
Regards from
Tom :)

----- Original Message ----
From: PLO <>
Sent: Sat, 4 June, 2011 14:58:49
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Calc: Has anyone tested the 
backward-compatibility of LibreOffice 3.4?

Hello prholland,

On Sat, 4 Jun 2011 06:26:56 -0700 (PDT) (your time) you  said:

The following screenshot is taken from a spreadsheet that  previously showed
"00:00" in LibreOffice 3.3.2, where LibreOffice 3.4.0  is now showing
"#VALUE!" (NB: all the cells are formatted as Time  values, and the "text"
cells contain "-"):

Tom is correct, just  tried it. If the cell is formatted as time, you get
'#VALUE!' as '-' isn't  recognised as a time value. Taking the '-' out and
leaving the cells empty  works.

I've worked with time sheets in 3.3.2 as well but then I never  used a hyphen
to indicate 'no hours'. Maybe it was a 'fix' in this new  version.

Si (PLO)
#32955. Ego Sow Whir Den? ¶

Auxiliary  Information:
 • LibreOffice 3.4.0 OOO340m1 (Build:12)
 • Windows XP Pro  5.1.2600 Service Pack 3

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