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On 2011-06-03 4:50 PM, PLO wrote:
And nope! Man alive, and there was me hoping that something useful was
coming, but nope, you actually managed to say absolutely nothing
constructive whatsoever! Well done! You obviously have a skill there.


But you obviously have a skill for ignoring reality...

Whatever floats your boat...

The fact remains, the list information is not a signature.

It is a LIST signature, not the SENDERS siganture - but yes, it IS a

A cutline doesn't therefore need to precede it.

Yes, it DOES.

Further, it is evident from replies to this
list that adding it before the list info does not prevent people who don't
use a sig delimiter from including sigs in there replies. So it's a nonsense


Unless, of course, you are using a BROKEN emailer that ignores the RFC
that signatures should not be included in quoted text.

I use Thunderbird, which does NOT include it quoted text...

So, whatever gets you off! BTW. Perhaps we could mutually blacklist each
other because I am not at all interested in reading your reply (replies).

Whatever floats your boat...

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