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On 2011/06/02 4:35 PM  PLO wrote:
The real point is that the list subscription information that is appended to
messages does not constitute a signature, and so should therefore not be
appended to messages preceded by a cutline. A simple series of dashes or an
continuous underscore above the list information to separate it would
suffice and wouldn't interfere with the author's signature. As I said, not
the end of the world but...
Many lists I subscribe to include subscription information preceded by a sig delimiter. This keeps the info from being repeated multiple times in the replies to the posts. In a long thread you could have the same info 10 or more times in one reply.

A lot of people do not use signatures. The appended info would not be deleted if it did not include a sig delimiter. Thunderbird deletes everything after the first sig delimiter in a post. It seems that The Bat only recognizes the last sig delimiter.

You are the first person I have seen complain about this on any of the lists I follow.

Please feel free to email me off list if you want to further discuss email
clients, but I don't think a Thunderbird vs The Bat! and everything else is
what this topic is about. Well, I certainly didn't intend it to be about
My apologies. I misread something on The Bat's website. I took "The Bat! Home Edition ... it is an ideal solution for common users who do not demand extra features." to mean it was a basic e-mail program. I can't check it out, however, since it is Windoze only.

Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
"An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." - Edgard Varese

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