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Le 03/06/11 06:43, nwchrisb a écrit :

Hi Chris,

Just to clarify: I'm not trying to use a relational database.  I really just
want to parse a web page which has a lot of data.  I need to do it
programmatically because the number of quarters of historical data will vary
by company.  That is, I need to call

etc. until I get no more data.  In addition, I need to easily get the data
onto one sheet.  I was hoping to do it without writing the scraper myself,
since opening a calc sheet as a "web query" works quite nicely.  I was
unable to figure out if this GUI functionality would allow me to collate
multiple queries, however.

Well the GUI allows you to "Insert Data from an External Link" and using
the internet link you posted I was able to change the istart_date
variable manually to insert the data onto a sheet. I didn't try copying
onto the same sheet in different cells though, rather I copied the data
into separate sheets. The dialog for inserting the link is a bit quirky
though, you have to activate the update checkbox, and then deactivate it
for the import wizard to start (and it is a bit slow on my system). Then
you get a list of the the HTML data to select that you want to import.


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