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I'm not exactly sure how your post helps the original question.  My "complete 
nonsense" is from the TDF wiki.
"... we will necessarily release earlier, and then rapidly, incrementally  bug 
fix releases based on the previous stable version. Thus if you have  a need for 
the very highest quality version, it can make sense to defer  a move until the 
first or perhaps second minor point release. 

Synchronizing our time based release schedule with the wider Free  Software 
ecosystem also has huge advantages, by getting our new  features, out to users 
as quickly as possible - with a minimum of  distribution cycle lag. In 
consequence, we will aim at six monthly  releases, and over time nudge them to 
align well with the March /  September norms."

Note the bit where it says "it can make sense to defer  a move" and the bit 
where it says about moving to a 6monthly release cycle?  LibreOffice is not so 
flaky that it fails to work after a couple of months and 'must' be upgraded.  It 
keeps working.  

Please, you do a lot of good work for TDF and there is no need to spoil that 
with personal attacks in public, spamming the list (ironically).  People run 
different systems in different ways for different reasons. OpenSource is about 
giving people freedom OF choice.

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Cor Nouws <>
Sent: Wed, 25 May, 2011 20:14:43
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] upgrade path?

Tom Davies wrote (25-05-11 19:04)

I heard/saw somewhere that although there is currently a rapid and frequent 
very aggressive) release cycle at the moment that there is an intention to 
down to 6monthly releases at some point within the next year or so.  

This is completely nonsense.
Let me more or less repeat myself: pls stop writing about things that you do not 
know pretty sure that your ideas are true.
You spread a lot of ...

i just stick with an older release (3.3.1 on most machines) but if i need to
upgrade i tend to try to fit the downloads onto Cd or usb-stick so that i can
carry it to various different machines.

There is rarely any real need to upgrade.  Just because it is there doesn't 
you have to use it!

A useful attitude in an open source project is the opposite.

Regards from
Tom  :)

PS i just checked and my current Ubuntu is on 3.3.2 somehow, magically.

Well well ...

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