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Hi :)

This has been discussed 'ad nauseum' on the website list and probably other 
places although i think it was some time ago and 'shelved' as being too 
low-priority at the time.  I haven't checked in with the website list for many 
months but i would hazard a guess that they have been discussing this quite a 
lot recently too.  

Some things had to be set-up fast with the best foresight available at the 
time.  Since then much has changed and grown.  Hindsight is fantastic, if only 
we could have it much much earlier!!  Any links that don't work may need a tiny 
bit of editing but i suspect that the 'global' bit in the middle wont appear on 
old threads.  

Part of the problem with Windows systems is that they religiously attempt to 
stick with legacy systems that really need to be thrown out, for example the 
registry.  As a result they have to put a lot of work into propping up systems 
that are vulnerable and in constant danger of falling over.  Oddly, they also 
help make Windows unable to run on older hardware because of the immense size of 
all that legacy bloat.  By contrast Linux and OpenSource systems are not afraid 
to throw something out when it becomes a burden and as a curious result there 
are a lot of linux distros that run superbly fast on machines that haunt peoples 
attics or contribute to landfill.  

It's better to make this change now than wait until the community and supporting 
websites has doubled in size again.

Also Florian is not some supreme master.  He is another volunteer who has 
bravely accepted the job of informing people about things decided by committees 
that he may not even have attended personally.  A thankless task at best!

However, re-reading your post again i see that it is probably meant as a 
humorous and actually very funny gentle-dig-in-the-ribs rather than the attack i 
first thought it.  I guess i am just a 'bit tense' right now as it's the end of 
a wearying but fun day at the office ;)
Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

From: Dennis E. Hamilton <>
To: Florian Effenberger <>
Sent: Wed, 25 May, 2011 18:44:46
Subject: [libreoffice-users] RE: [libreoffice-documentation] changes for this 
mailing list

I don't expect this will change, but I find the reasoning that appears to be 
behind it rather interesting.

So, let me see if I understand this.  So that you and other TDF Members can now 
have e-mail addresses (which will be forwarded to whatever 
actual e-mail services hold and deliver mail as each individual member arranges) 
like, all the rest of us have to learn how to send mail 
to when we have struggled already to 
learn how to work with list,, etc.  

And this irreversible change may or may not be disruptive in unexpected ways, 
but you'll do your best because it is being done by throwing a switch on the 
universe and Mother Nature can be petulant about such things (not to mention the 
opportunity it affords for Puck, Kokopelli, and Loki to have a little fun with 
the foolish humans).  

So does this mean that the archives will also change their URLs and any linking 
we have done to existing list posts will be broken?  (I mention this as one 
place where the law of unintended consequences may step in.  Will all of the 
threads be broken too?)  Of course, there is already for 
those.  Do they stay that way?

Additional curiosities.  Is there some system that has be 
preferable to ?   Or is this some limitation of how 
Heinlein Support is working their magic?  Maybe what you really want is 
honorifics, so you can be or and (you can go 
crazy with this, though I recommend against 
) since you're going to have to redo your stationery and business cards anyhow?

Now, I do like affinity forwardings.  After all, I get to be (a forwarding) and also and even (set up as a forwarding too) and, once upon a time,   I may even have Facebook and Linked-in affinities, though 
I haven't bothered to check.   I am just looking at the system-engineering 
aspects of this mid-course correction and how it appears to disrupt the many for 
the benefit of a few.  Odd, that, considering what it is we are out to 
accomplish and promote and who we say we are?


- Dennis

PS: I do happen to filter on what appears in the "To" of incoming mail.  But it 
is relatively easy to change those rules since I also use a white-list spam 
system and the new "To" and perhaps "from" e-mail addresses will go to spam 
until I do something about them.

-----Original Message-----
From: Florian Effenberger [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2011 01:25
Subject: [libreoffice-documentation] changes for this mailing list

Hello everyone,

as part of our membership process, we also would like to give 
e-mail forwarders to our approved members. Thanks to the folks from Heinlein 
Support in Berlin, who offered to take care of the mail forwarding and to 
program a web tool to enable users to configure the forwarding!

In order to be able to use two different mail servers -- one for mailing lists, 
and one for the mail forwarders -- we have to change the addresses of a few 
mailing lists.

In a nutshell: All lists currently known as will in the future 
be known as

[ ... ]

You do *not* have to un- or resubscribe from any lists, as the list of all 
recipients will be automatically transferred to the new addresses. 

The subject prefix, like [libreoffice-website], will also stay the *same*. What 
*will* change is the address you have to send e-mails to, and the headers like 
List-Post and List-ID. So, in case you filter your e-mails based on the headers, 
you *do* need to act. This is most likely the case if you use a local mail 
client like Thunderbird. Webmail services like Google Mail usually do *not* make 
use of these headers.

The change will be effective during the day of

    Thursday, June 9th

I will send a follow-up e-mail when the addresses have changed. 
Immediately after that, assume the old addresses will stop working. I will try 
to set them as aliases for a few days, but I cannot guarantee it will work out.

However, *no* e-mail will be lost -- in case there is no alias in place, you 
will receive a bounce message and can re-send the mail again.

Sorry for these inconveniences, but they will help us in providing e-mail 
forwarders for our members.

In case of questions, feel free to ask me directly, or on the website@ mailing 


Florian Effenberger <> Steering Committee and 
Founding Member of The Document Foundation
Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
Skype: floeff | Twitter/ @floeff

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