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While working on documentation of a project that has a TOC with 
links that work in the ODT and PDF versions, but the HTML 
version would not jump to the links? In looking at the HTML code, 
I found the problem and was able to manually fix it.

The links in the TOC had a_ in front of them, but when I found the 
matchin id= they had a__ (two _ instead of just one). Doing a 
search and replace fixed the issue. I thought it might be that I had 
a beta version, so I downloaded the latest linux version, and 
installed it. But the same thing happened with the 3.3.2. 

Haven't tried it in the windows version, since I don't have windows 
on home machines. Looked for a place to report this as a bug, but 
the list is the best I was able to find. 


  Michael D. Setzer II -  Computer Science Instructor      
  Guam Community College  Computer Center                                
  Guam - Where America's Day Begins                        
  G4L Disk Imaging Project maintainer
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