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On 05/22/2011 05:56 PM, NoOp wrote:
On 05/22/2011 09:26 AM, saman muhammad wrote:
Hi.., I want to use the LibreOffice for translation and writing, so I
need additional of english language need Arabic or Perian language
text writing, do libreoffice support arabic or persian text writing
on Mac?
When you download:
You can select your OS and language. Additional language packs are
available here:
The list is up to 113 languages at this time, as of the last report I had.

1] go to

2] choose
    Other way to download LibreOffice, the productivity suite

3] choose your Mac system [Intel/x86 or PPC] and install it.

4] choose from the list of language packs the ones you will need.
    download and install whatever languages you may want or need.
        This should give you menus and other non-English language options.

B] A different way

I know that there is both Arabic and Persian spell checkers for you English system that you can install. I gathered them in the list at the North American Community DVD project site. So if you want to use English menus and deal with just having spell checkers, then you could try that.
You can install whatever dictionaries you wish and not have to worry about installing language packs, if you do not wish to change the menus, and such, to a non-English language. This is a good option if you prefer to use English menus, but need to have spell checking in several localized languages, other than the default English. I have collected over 180 different dictionaries, and such, so it would be easy to find them in one place.

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