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** Reply to message from "Mike." <> on Sat, 21 May 2011
11:42:25 -0400

On 5/19/2011 at 3:41 PM NoOp wrote:

|On 05/14/2011 09:18 AM, Mike. wrote:
|> Running:
|> LibreOffice 3.3.2 OOO330m19 (Build:202) tag libreoffice-
|> Windows 7, 64-bit
|> I am trying to print an envelope in Writer.   I selected the command
|>  Insert > Envelope
|> pick the proper envelope (#6 3/4) and then put the Sender and
|> text in the fields.
|> When I print the envelope, the addresses are too far to the left,
|> the Sender address mostly off the left side of the envelope.
|> I'm not sure exactly when this printing problem started.  I do know
|> that envelopes printed correctly when I was running OpenOffice.  I
|> think it was version 3.2 of Openoffice.   I don't know if it was the
|> upgrade from 3.2 to 3.3 or the switch from Open Office to
|> that is causing the printing problem.
|> All other printing (i.e., documents) works fine.
|> How can I make Writer properly format the envelope for printing?
|I'm not sure why, but please check |Insert|Envelope|Format and see if
|the settings are (these are in inches):
|  from left: 3.25"
|  from top: 1.81"
|  from left: 0.39"
|  from top: 0.39"
|  Format: #6 3/4 (Personal) Envelope
|  Width: 6.50"
|  Height: 3.63"
|If those are the settings, then you can adjust manually if necessary.

Thanks for the reply.

The settings you note above are the settings I see here.

The envelope renders properly on the display, i.e., the Addressee and
Sender fields are in the correct spots on the envelope.

However, somewhere in the process of sending the envelope to the
printer the rendering changes and the fields are printed in the wrong
areas on the envelope.

One way around it is what I've had to do because somehow my printer driver
doesn't translate things correctly. I created a separate document for the
envelope then moved the return address and To address to the appropriate
locations to print in the correct places on my printer. I then saved the
document and pull that up when envelope printing is needed. Not as handy as
if it worked correctly, but it works.

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