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Installing one of the viewers assumes that you have Windows installed :(


On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 4:37 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton <

I notice that many LibreOffice experts and users do not have MS Office
installed but need to deal with Microsoft Office files (imported or
exported), especially when attempting to resolve an interchange or
conversion problem.

There is a relatively easy way to examine MS Office documents.  One is to
install one of the supported viewers (which requires a platform on which the
viewers run).  Better yet, put the Microsoft Office document up on a free
Windows Live SkyDrive account.  Not all features are available under the
in-browser editing option, but the in-browser viewing of Microsoft Office
documents is superb.

I just verified that with a couple of documents I had been conducting
DOC/OOXML <-> LOffice/ODF forensic work on.  You can use SkyDrive in the
browser to make screen shots or you can even arrange to share a file
selectively with other users.  Yes, you need to take a deep breath and get a
Windows Live ID.  And I don’t know how many different browsers SkyDrive
works smoothly with.

 - Dennis E. Hamilton
  Individual OASIS ODF and OIC TC Member

PS: One missing feature of SkyDrive is a way to download an uploaded DOC in
another format (namely, DOCX).  Being able to see the OOXML equivalent is
often quite helpful in understanding how a Word feature is handled without
having to dissect the binary format.

PPS: I have not experimented with Google Docs for this.  There the problem
is that one has to deal with whatever the feature loss is when going to the
internal Google Docs format, especially if trying to get from one external
format to another.  It might work well enough, I just haven't needed to find

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