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Le vendredi 20 mai 2011 à 08:42 -0700, Nuzhna Pomoshch a écrit :
--- On Wed, 5/4/11, planas <> wrote:

The major differences are mostly between US
and UK English usage and spelling. (Liter vs
litre, favor vs favour). Most other English
speaking countries follow UK spellings and
somewhat less dramatic usage differences.

I am well aware of the differences between US
English and "rest of world" English.

What I want to know is what does LibreOffice
do different (other than have no spell check)
if someone sets the default language for
documents to English (New Zealand) as opposed
to say English (Australia)?


While not certain my best guess is that LibO is looking for the specific

With a documtnet open in LibO 3.3.2 checking
'Options'-'Language'-'Additional dictionaries online' [I'm translating
freely as I run LibO in French] - the link leads me to
(yours would, no doubt, lead you to the English language page, which
probably is no different as the French page is in English).

In any event, there you will find a "New Zealand English dictionary and
thesaurus" which you can download and install. 

N.B., I'm running LibreOffice 3.3.2 OOO330m19 (Build:202)tag
libreoffice-, Ubuntu package 1:3.3.2-1ubuntu5 .

I spell check my English documents in Canadian English but suspect LibO
is just using the 'normal' British English dictionary.


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