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Hi Mohith,

mohithmanoj wrote (17-05-11 18:10)

I was wondering how to hide a section automatically (by using condition of
course) from printed / PDF outputs.

Not that I know - anyhow not without un-setting the condition.

We just migrated to LibreOffice and my team is preparing templates for our
quality documents. We were planning to put usage hints in such 'sections' so
that it will be easy for the user to get adjusted to the document template,
at the same time it won't bother the printer at all. I understand that using
'set variables' the same is possible, but that would leave the task of
resetting the variable to my poor or rather unforgiving users. Text frames
would have been ideal if they didn't leave large empty spaces behind once

Well, in a corporate environment it might be not too difficult to make a simple build in function (basic) that sets a property, shows the printer dialogue, and resets the property. To bestarted via men/toolbar/shortcut.

Another option: use a special paragraph style for the text with explanation. And set the property of that text to hidden. Depending on print option settings (of course :-) ) it won't print...


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