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Hi :)

Congrats on fixing that!  It's good to hear you pin-pointed the problem but it 
does sound a little unusual.  If you have time to post a bug-report then that 
might help but don't worry if you don't have time

Don't worry if you don't have time for it after all the time it has taken to 
find a work-around.  

Congrats and regards from
Tom :)

From: Burai <>
Sent: Sun, 1 May, 2011 21:04:37
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: crash within seconds of opening a doc.

Thanks Tom,

I uninstalled & reinstalled both OO & LO 1 at a time, without having 
both installed together. I downloaded each one again & kept at it. No 
joy. Fragmentation was not an issue.

However, ... I have now had OO 3.3.0 installed and working without 
lock-ups for about 4 days. It seems that disabling the auto-updating of 
extensions did the trick. When I reinstalled the auto-update feature, OO 
locked up again. De-installed, no lock-ups. I couldn't find how to do 
this (disable auto-updates) in the current LO install.

So, for the time being I am functional with OO. Thanks for your advice.


El 26/04/2011 2:18 PM, Tom Davies [via Document Foundation Mail Archive] 
Hi :)
Answers will usually be at the bottom of the thread. i top-post now just
because that is probably more familiar to you as it is to most people.

Win7 with 2Gb should be ok, especially if you don't have tons of other
open at the same time. The 3.3.2 (or OOo's 3.3.0) 'should' be stable.

There could be a number of causes;
1. Do you have both LibreOffice and OpenOffice installed at the same
time? If
so then try un-installing OpenOffice and then re-install LO using the
you already have. Even without re-installing LO just un-installing
can fix the problem. You can always return to OpenOffice as both are
free to
install. OpenOffice and LibreOffice use some identically named things which
often causes problems if the OpenOffice QuickLauncher is used. There are
probably other conflicts too. Uninstalling might possibly uninstall some
that LibreOffice needs although i've not heard of that happening so far.

2. Fragmentation or other maintenance issue in Windows generally. Are other
apps sluggish or unpredictable and possibly crashing? It could be a good
to do some back-ups and then some routine maintenance such as defrag. If
fragmentation is really bad then Perfect Disk sometimes do a free-trial
for 1
month and they tend to be a LOT better than MS's defrag tools.

3. Perhaps LibreOffice didn't download and install properly. I don't
know if
we have md5sum or similar way of checking that the download worked. The
and quickest check is to simply try to re-install the LibreOffice you
downloaded (see option 1 above). If the 2nd re-install doesn't work then it
might be worth re-downloading to try again.

Please let us know how this goes and keep us informed.
Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

From: Burai <[hidden email]
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Tue, 26 April, 2011 18:49:46
Subject: [libreoffice-users] crash within seconds of opening a doc.

I'm lost, confused & perhaps stupid, but feel free to think what you
will. I
have been contentedly using Libreoffice and openoffice before that with few
problems. Occasionally a doc would stall with a "Not Responding" message
then usually recover all by itself. But now, for about a month, no such
Libreoffice crashes, "unknown error" almost every time I open a doc. Same
behavior with starting a new doc, same behavior with writer & calc. Same
behavior with removing LO & installing OO. Same behavior in XP sp2
compatility. I would like to disable auto-update, but I don't see that
option in Tools->Options in this version. And I don't see anyone else
reporting this problem.
Windows 7 starter, 2 GB ram, netbook with Intel Atom N550. LO 3.3.2 (or OO

Thanks for your patience,


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