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On 23/04/2011 07:30, e-letter wrote:

to use LO but finds that there is (minor?) loss of formatting (e.g. a
table width greater than the body text margin), then writes to LO
mailing list to complain that LO writer is not good enough for their

I've seen the same thing, or worse, when people send MSO file formats
between offices.  Even when both systems are allegedly using the same
version of windows, and allegedly the same version of MSO.

It is not fair for LO to be expected to be an exact clone of m$ products.

I don't think anybody has been asking for LibO to be an MSO clone.

a) Do you know how many employees the "average" business in the united states has?
Don't understand the significance.

IT has to do without how much they pay in licenses.

Is it not true that organisations are not able to get customisations of m$o unless they pay m$ 
and/or m$ partners to make such changes?

Yes, and no.
SMB and SOHO sized outfits have their customizations done by a third
party that uses the MSO macro language.

As best as I can tell, EuroOffice & Sun/Oracle were the only two
organizations that offered third party customization of OOo. The latter
would do only if you had a service that was out of reach of SOHO and the
smaller SMBs. Figuring out that EuroOffice offered that service was not

Businesses demanding LO (and all others) to be better than m$, without
having paying a penny towards development of these alternatives are
asking for too much.

That is the inevitable result of people pushing gratis, instead of libre.

The worst damage to the FLOSS position comes from its proponents who
talk about gratis. FLOSS is a very practical demonstration of why
TASTAAFL.  Unfortunately, too many proponents of FLOSS only talk about
gratis, and thus TASTAAFL no longer has any meaning.

How many businesses have demanded that the new computers they buy must
have a floppy drive in order to be compatible with
existing procedure to keep copies on floppy disks?

I take it you've never been the person whose task for the week was to
burn everything on the floppy discs, bournelli drive, or zipdisk to CD,
or DVD.

- -- 
If Bing copied Google, there wouldn't be anything new worth requesting.

If Bing did not copy Google, there wouldn't be anything relevant worth

                              DaveJakeman 20110207 Groklaw.
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