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Yes Wayne,

But you know as well as I do that simply following the leader or blindly
following someone else's ideas is no substitute for thinking.
Otherwise there would be no evolution only extinction.
Could you give us readers a quick list of other short term "species" that
never survived past MS. Like office dog for example.

Two of my favourite expressions:-
1:      It's amazing how the youth of today are so eager to instil upon
their elders the benefit of their inexperience.
2:      It's sad how the elders of today are so reluctant to entertain the
fresh ideas of their children.

By the way, my first desktop machine was an old cpm machine and I'm sure it
had no numbers but it did have an external 256k RAM drive and two 10 inch
floppies. The operating system was compiled by a guy calling himself "Micro
my programing path is:- machine code (in industrial switching applications)
to assembler to Fortran to C to Cobol to basic to c++ to gw basic to qbasic
to vb to visual c++ to dot net basic to c#. Along the way, add sql, aspx,
MONO, 4GL, Delphi and a few mainframe scripting languages like REX that I
can't remember a thing about.
(funny how so many were MS languages. Must have had something to do with
industry demands at the time.) 

Because I'm at work and using MS outlook 2010, I'll send this as soon as I
can find where they have hidden the bl&#@*y spell checker.

And as a student of anthropology, I also liked your evolution theory. :-)
Keep up the good work in making people think. Challenging the norm.
Bruce Carlson.

-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Borean [] 
Sent: Monday, 18 April 2011 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] question

Ah, but the Ribbon menu is important. It's another evolutionary option for
the interface. Whether you like it or not is to a certain extent a matter of
taste. Quite frankly I hated using a GUI for a long time. It slowed me down
too much. It still does slow me down in some ways, a command line is more

If you don't, a GUI is easier.

And some of it is simply a matter of taste. If you grew up with curry on
your food, it won't taste right without it.


On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 9:51 PM, Bruce Carlson

Yes I can understand how you, thinking that you are younger, feeling 
like you are mature, and all the time it is your inexperience that is 
restricting you to see only what is put in front of you and you are 
unable to use logic to put together all that surrounds you so 
therefore you, as are many other Y generationalists, (but not all), 
willing to accept only what you are told and unable to think outside the
square you are ordered to live in.
To be honest with us and with yourself, if the reason you will not use 
LO is because you will only use an office suite if has ribbon button 
menus than you are the exact petty minded person that Microsoft relies 
on for it's future profits.

Bruce Carlson
an X gernerationalist.

-----Original Message-----
From: Csenger Attila Szabó []
Sent: Wednesday, 13 April 2011 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] question

OK, in my case, the only reason why I DON'T use LO is the lack of ribbon.
I accept that not everyone likes that, that's why I wrote the idea of 
an extensions or plugin. So those who like the ribbon would be able to use
@Bruce: I have to disagree with you, I find the ribbon much faster and 
easier to use. And I'm not the only one, many of the people around, 
especially the younger ones find much more useful the ribbon than the 
dropdown menus.
I know that those who get used to the menu-style won't like any other 
solution, but you are not the only ones.
So what about the plugin/extension thing?

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