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On Wed, 2011-04-13 at 14:47 +0100, Peter Hillier-Brook wrote:
On 13/04/2011 12:01, Jeffrey Needle wrote:
Hello, everyone. I'm using the portable build of LibreOffice from on a WinXP system.

I'm trying to change the documents directory that LibreOffice uses. I
go to Options, Paths and change the documents path. I click OK. I
close LO, reopen it, and the change to the path is lost. I can't find
any way to get the change to the path to stick. Is this a known bug?


Your question would be better addressed to They are
the organisation who modify LO to render it portable.

A first question might be, "is the default document path on your 
portable device?" To maintain the concept of portability, this may be an 
immutable default, although I can't claim to know from experience.

Peter HB

I run it from my hard drive.  The reference is to a folder on my hard
drive, not the portable device.  

I will follow up on and see if they have any guidance.

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