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Hi again Steve,

On 30/03/11 22:14, Steve Edmonds wrote:
I have a report in .doc format that has some pie charts (which seem to
be from an embedded sheet).
These show the labels but no pie in Suse 11.0 X-64, LO3.3.0, 3.3.2,
These show ok in OSX 10.6.7, LO3.3.1

Just upgrading the mac to LO3.3.2 the pies no longer show.

Something seems to have been fixed in 3.3.1 and then undone in 3.3.2.
I've been trying to reproduce your symptoms.

I can confirm that the pie doesn't show in LO3.3.2 on Ubuntu 10.4. Nor did the bars in the bar chart.
As I said, I've set up a LO build environment in the hope of narrowing 
down the regression between 3.3.1 and 3.3.2.
Unfortunately I've just built 3.3.1 and the pie is still not showing in 
my system - although annoyingly, the bars in the bar chart Are now 
showing. Would have been nice if it were the same issue at play for both 
types of chart, ey?
Questions now:

1) Did the bars in the bar chart show on your systems in 3.3.1 / 3.3.2?

2) What was the exact version of 3.3.1 which worked for you? The one I've built is:
LibreOffice 3.3.1
OOO330m19 (Build:8)
You can get this info in Help > About LibreOffice

Considering the difficulties I've had so far getting old versions to build, I have to again entreat you not to get your hopes up. But just maybe we'll be able to discover something and make things just a bit better for all LO users.
All the best,


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