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I uses LO 3.3.2 on Linux Ubuntu, and OOo 3.2.1 on Windows both with Report
builder 1.2.1
At least I haven't seen any yet....
Done one report with too grouping and calculating no problem....

2011/4/1 Keith Bates <>

I'm using LO 3.3 with a database originally constructed using OO and
   everything is mostly fine.I just tried to produce a report using the
Report Builder extension
   and found it didn't work.This is a report that previously worked under
OO. I edited the query
   that the report reports on, then edited some labels in the report.
   Whan I clicked the "Execute Report" button a new window opened, but
   the actual report did not appear.I closed the report builder then used
Extension Manager to update
   the extension. Repeated process with the same result.Has anyone else had
a similar issue with reports?--
God bless you

Keith Bates

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Rikard Svenningsen
Smalager 36

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