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On 31 March 2011 23:28, Twayne <> wrote:

Ryno Labuschagne <> typed:
Hi all,

My Name is Ryno from Swakopmund Namibia.

I don't know if it is a bug or me, but when I cut or copy
something in calc and then want to paste it in another
position with the mouse left click, the paste option is
It is there when I copy, but when I want to paste it is

Is there a way that one can fix this or is it a bug?

I'm using Win xp sp3 and win 7 64bit.
LibO 3.3.2 build 202

What kind of data are you trying to copy/paste exactly?
It seems to work OK here but I'm not going to create every data type and
test it; I'd need to know what you're working with. I have XP Pro SP3+ here



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Hi Twayne,
Thanx for the reply, now that you asked the question I tried to recreate the
proble, even in the same document it works now, it is one of those documents
that I share with people working on MS Office.
This is a bit embarrassing, for when I send the problem it did not want to
work, and I haven't even restarted the machine.

So maybe its a every now and then problem (ghost problem)


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