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On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 09:50, James Wilde wrote:
I'm using Mac OSX 10.6.6. and have now upgraded to 3.3.2 since I discovered I was using 3.3.0 and 
thought my problem might have been fixed.

I suddenly noted that, when I was adjusting a style, the indents were in characters and the space 
before and after a paragraph were in lines and not in centimetres (I use cm for both).  So I went 
into Preferences/LibreOffice Writer/View and changed both values to centimetres.  Saved, went 
back to adjusting my style, found it was still characters and lines.  Went back to 
Preferences/LibreOffice Writer/View and right enough, it had reset to char and line.  So I set 
both to centimetres again, and the same thing happened.

I quit LibreOffice, removed my profile by renaming ~/Library/Application Support/Libreoffice to 
~/Library/Application Support/LibO and restarted LibreOffice.  Opened a text document, went into 
Preferences/LibreOffice Writer/View and changed char and line to centimetre, went into my open 
document and began to create a new style.  Sure enough, the indents were in char and not 
centimetre and the spacing was in lines and not centimetres.

Now I have upgraded, and the indents and spacing are at last in centimetres, but in 
Preferences/LibreOffice Writer/View it is still showing char and line.

Now I have to start rebuilding my profile, reinserting all the extensions and templates, and 
hoping nothing breaks.  <sigh>.  But how do I get Preferences/LibreOffice Writer/View to show the 
type of value that I want - and for the moment have?
I assume that Asian language support is enabled
(Language Settings > Languages > Enhanced language support).

Go to
Preferences > LibreOffice Writer > General >
[ ] Enable char unit
(disable this option)


See also:
Bug 32684 - Ruler view displays in "char" measurement and always
reverts back to this upon restart

That works fine now with LibO 3.3.2 on WinXP.



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