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Please bottom post on this list :-) - thanks.

On 02/11/2011 09:01 AM, Eric Marx wrote:
It’s a side effect of how poorly Crystal Reports exports that report
as a spreadsheet. It was less work for the people at my company to
export it as a .doc.
The document
The issue (as I see it) is that LO (and OOo) have a difficult time
handling documents with that many frames. It does not matter if it is
produced by Crystal Reports or some other source.

If you review the doc in MS Word (2003 is all that I have on my WinXP
virual machine) and LO you'll see that the document is full of text
frames. Word does an excellent job at opening the frames (quickly and
easily editable); LO (and OOo) struggle with multiple frames. I'm sure
that there are bug reports documenting this, however I haven't the time
to go searching for them today.

Note: I've also tested in OOo 3.2.1 (linux Ubuntu/go-oo), OOo 3.3.0
(standard), LO 3.3.0 (linux & windows), and all exhibit the same
behaviour on a variety of different machines.

My suggestion would be to file a bug report and use a modified version
of that report (omit BASF & other identifiers etc) as an example.
Unfortunately Crystal Reports are now SAP, so I doubt that you'll get
much sympathy there given that their rival Oracle now owns OOo - but you
never know, try their support forums and/or:


My company uses documents exported out of Crystal Reports from a 
vendor. One particular document which has been in use for years 
formats and performs adequately in Microsoft Office but formats
poorly and causes Libre Office to lock up while scrolling,
resizing, editing or pretty much just looking at it.
I am curious as to why a document which is more a spreadsheet is
being edited in a word processor. ISTM a word processor is the wrong
tool for the job.

My LO Writer/Win XP does seem to struggle with the file, so the
problem can definitely be replicated.

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