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On 05-02-11 21:19, Jackson Murtha wrote:
Yes, unfortunately I wasn't very clear about the implementation.  The
reference model that I prefer, Everything, is probably not available for
most users ( as it's
not been released yet and is only available from SVN for linux users.
Gnome-Do (linux) and Quicksilver (mac) are decent equivalents, but lack a
few bonuses that make it more exensible and allow you to conveniently
execute more actions.  I'm not aware of any equivalents on Windows (there's
got to be a handful), and though I mentioned Spotlight, it's really only
relevant insofar as it searches both programs to be executed and objects to
be opened by programs...the similarity ends there.

Ok, this seems to be a windowmanager, or something ....

The idea of this feature is that it would be adaptable, because it would
retain a history of common or recent actions, and it would be able to
I'm not needing this .... because i currenlty dont miss it. I said, rather complex, but very powerful and extremely useful, I

I hope that clarifies.  Thoughts?
Ultimately, I'd like to begin finding out how much work it would take to
implement such a thing...
I think this will be a waste of resources, if resources come from
developers who are now busy in makeing LO a better application.

(but that's just my opinion)

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