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Yes, unfortunately I wasn't very clear about the implementation.  The
reference model that I prefer, Everything, is probably not available for
most users ( as it's
not been released yet and is only available from SVN for linux users.
Gnome-Do (linux) and Quicksilver (mac) are decent equivalents, but lack a
few bonuses that make it more exensible and allow you to conveniently
execute more actions.  I'm not aware of any equivalents on Windows (there's
got to be a handful), and though I mentioned Spotlight, it's really only
relevant insofar as it searches both programs to be executed and objects to
be opened by programs...the similarity ends there.

The idea of this feature is that it would be adaptable, because it would
retain a history of common or recent actions, and it would be able to
operate on a variety of object types.  For instance:
- you could search "foo" and find documents named foo to open in libreoffice
- you could search for "foo" to locate a template or header or commonly
inserted image or object named "foo" into the current document
- you could search "foo" to find a macro named foo (perhaps to run it on
text selected before executing the feature)
- you could search for a style named foo to apply to the currently selected
- you could search foo to highlight or locate foo in the current document
- you could search "foo" to retrieve certain web data about foo to insert
into the document
- you could upload/move/copy/save the document to specified location foo
... and so on.  In other words, not just a simple search, but a search on
different types of subjects and objects as well as maintain a list of
actions associated with these objects and a history of how you use it. I said, rather complex, but very powerful and extremely useful, I

I hope that clarifies.  Thoughts?

Ultimately, I'd like to begin finding out how much work it would take to
implement such a thing...

On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 4:56 AM, Luuk <> wrote:

On 05-02-11 11:44, LogicDaemon wrote:
On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 13:04, Luuk <> wrote:
On 04-02-11 20:45, Jackson Murtha wrote:
My idea is that the office should have an integrated command-window at
application level... something like Gnome-Do or the
apps on mac (the best implementation, IMHO is the "everything" plugin
First, this is really great idea. This approach should be integrated
to as many apps as possible.

Something like this is already available in Windows7 by default.
When clicking the start button (or CTRL+ESC) this field is active by
No, there is search only.
Could someone explain what other function than search is ment to be
available here?

I did have a quick look at Everything (, but that's
only searching, and therefore would not be a 'win' to have additional in

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