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On Tue Feb 01 2011 14:47:32 GMT-0800 (PST)  Francois M wrote:
Could someone in the list help me to
      understand the strange behavior that I got when posting here,
      please? No format of any kind, not even LF/CR, while my messages
      should be html formated.See my last answer "Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Base form
      editing/creation impossible,missing dialog boxes andMenu
      bars" dated Feb 1.My mails are generated through Thunderbird running Ubuntu 10.10,
      using Liberation Serif font, Unicode UTF-8.What looks very strange to me is that this seems 
to be the single
      occasion where this occurred: usually, my mails are received with
      a very standard lay-out (I mean outside this list).Thanks in advance for any advice in this 
Could be because mailing list only permit plain text messages.  Sending 
HTML messages can could problems with people that use screen readers, 
and some with vision problems.  Plain text works best for _all_ users 
and keeps the bandwidth down.  HTML message also increase the load for 
those that have limited bandwidth or pay per kilobyte transfer.

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