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I will give it another try but, before I do so, I will do a clean 
install just in case old LibO Settings could act on it.

Just need to finish this form first for some clients then I will have 
plenty of time to play wit it :)


On 11-02-01 03:35 AM, Alexander Thurgood [via Document Foundation Mail 
Archive] wrote:
Le 29/01/11 06:27, Mobidoy a écrit :



I am trying to edit a form I have but, there is no dialog box 
opening when
right clickig -> selecting control. Without it, not much can be 
done. Also,
I could not get the control bar so, cannot add anything.

Could someone verify they are also affected by this ?
As I said in my previous post, I can get the properties of the control
to display by right clicking on it. I can also see the Design Mode
toolbar, and can activate / deactivate it. This is with LibO final, Mac
OSX 10.6.6


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