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On 2011/01/30 3:39 AM  Manfred J. Krause wrote:

gatocl.maipu wrote:
I have installed LO 3.3 final after the uninstall of the rc and deleting
the settings and find with the full install(without the unopkg problem)

I was going very fine but when i trying to update the extensions, LO
crash when LO test for new extensions/versions are verified or when they
are detected and begining to download.

I uninstall LO and unselect all the extensions, only the spellcheck of
en and es remain and try again, then LO crash again.

If i download by the webpage and install the new versions or new
extensions  the install of them go fine and LO dont crash.

Bug 33701 - Extension Manager: "Check for Updates" – LibO crashes

You might add a comment to the bug report...
Checking for extension updates crashes LibO on a Mac as well. I have added comment to bug report.

Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
"An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." - Edgard Varese

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