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On Tuesday 07 December 2010 12:51:15 am Andrea Pescetti wrote:
Sigrid Carrera wrote:
I can confirm, what Marc wrote.
With only the languagepack installed, spellcheck didn't work for me
either. Only after installing the extra dictionary from the OOo
extension website did it start working.
OK, then this just means the packaging is unchanged in LibreOffice since
I reported this about two months ago in
(you can read the complete thread from the link above).

i read the link, thank you.      i am using the deb packages and it seems that 
dictionaries are not part of the Libreoffice RC1 package..this is because, if I 
read the link right, Linux provides system wide dictionaries.

I find this to be true for the deb packages, I installed myspell from Debians 
repository, (use a package manager not LO extension manager) and I have a 
dictionary to check spelling. The spell checking was working but no dict to 



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