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Le 2010-12-07 03:52, Andrea Pescetti a écrit :
Harold Fuchs wrote:
As I understand it a Language Pack is designed to change the language of the
UI - menus, Help text etc. Language Packs have nothing to do with spell
checking or with the language(s) in which you write your documents. You need
Dictionaries which come in the form of "extensions".
This (no dictionaries in language packs) used to be the case for language packs; but the (and thus, the
LibreOffice) architecture was modified in recent times to allow
inclusion of dictionaries in a language pack.

The current (3.3-RC) language packs do include
dictionaries, for example.


It doesn't work on my copy of LO 3.3RC1 on my Mandriva 2010.1 boxes (all 
3). I downloaded the EN-UK and FR language packs but the dictionaries 
did not work.
I then downloaded the dictionaries from here: and 
loaded them through the extension manager. The loaded dictionaries now 
all work as they should.

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