Le 2010-11-03 09:48, Stefano Fraccaro a écrit :
Hi Marc, I have found a strange behaviour. Steps:
1. In Word 2000 create a document with 1 line of text and 1 little bmp
2. save the document as nome.docx
3. open the document in Lib0 (image is missing,
http://monteldvd.sf.net/_lib0.jpg ).
4. add from Lib0 the same image and save (overwriting the file)
5. open the file in Word2000 and... you find the text, the first image
(missing in Lib0) and a shape??? (http://monteldvd.sf.net/_word2k.jpg )
Il 03/11/2010 12.21, Marc Paré ha scritto:
Thanks Stefano.
Stefano, if you create a .docs file on your Word2000, can you open it
in LibO?
Hi Stefano:
Could you submit it as a bug? You can find the bugzilla here:
I don't know if this has really been filed as a bug but there is one
that looks like it here:
But I think this one is different.
PS. Let me know if you have a problem with submitting the bug. Thanks
for the help.
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- [libreoffice-users] Re: MS Office -> LibreOffice (compatibility problem) (continued)
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