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On 10/14/2010 12:46 AM, Mark wrote:
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 7:45 AM, Harold Fuchs
<> wrote:

Take a look at Tools>Options>language Settings>Languages What do you have
there for "Default language for documents"? I think this may be the cause of
your problem. In the drop-down list of languages, if a language doesn't have
a little "ABC" and a blue tick (check mark), then the dictionary for that
language isn't  installed and you won't be able to spellcheck in that
language. You can get dictionaries from

They all say "Default English - USA" and the dictionaries I have installed are:




I have checked in my installs (Ubuntu 10.04) for both LibO beta1 and
beta2 and the default english spell checker is working fine. Which
version of LibO do you have installed?

$ cat /opt/libreoffice3/program/versionrc

how did you install it, and which OS?

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