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I can fully understand Clocked Modular's reasoning and motivation, but I do think Italo has summed 
up the situation well. Other office suites can handle the currently recognised formats, even if 
imperfectly. This has got to be better than an "unknown format" message when opening documents 
originating on LO, which could set us back a long way.


LibreOffice - Free and open source office suite: LibreOffice Website<>
Respects your privacy, and gives you back control over your data​
From: Italo Vignoli <>
Sent: 19 September 2024 19:58
To: <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Better filename extension

The file extension is part of the standard, so we can't change it
without going through the entire technical process, which would take at
least a couple of years, and in any case a marketing idea is not a good
reason to change it (which means that the proposal could be easily
rejected). Standards are complex, and are not following marketing needs
but user needs.

On 19/09/24 20:36, Mike Saunders wrote:

Sorry for top-posting, but on the road...

It's an interesting idea. Given that LibreOffice is clearly becoming the
best office suite choice for privacy, something like ".pdt" (private
document text) would probably be a better choice.

OTOH, there's been a lot of work over the last decade to spread
awareness of ODF and its extensions, so making such a big change could
be very difficult. And that's just from the marketing side -- I'm not
sure what would happen on various operating systems if one new
LibreOffice release started saving in .pdt rather than .odt, and how the
OSes would handle the file associations...


On 19/09/2024 08:47, Clocked Modular wrote:
ODF stands for Open Document format. We do understand that its
are open, not its content.
Words have feelings associated to it. Open is fine for the standard, but
not for my content.

The cloud business has made the options for privacy warriors less.
LibreOffice being one of the most important tools for maintaining
office files like text, sheets, presentations, and graphics in a privacy
protecting environment. A typical case of given strength. The market runs
in the direction of stealing as much as possible data via clouds. Our
strength therefor is growing, becoming more and more part of the privacy

For marketing reasons, therefor, I suggest introducing new filename
extensions (technical, fully exchangeable with the existing once). Names
emphasizing private ownership.

.odt = .mdt (open document text / MY document text)
.ods = .mds (open document spreadsheet / MY document spreadsheet)
.odp = .mdp (open document presentation / MY document presentation)
.odg = .mdg (open document graphics / MY document graphics)

With kind regards,
Cordiali saluti,
Met vriendelijke groet,
Everardo Boudi van Vlijmen.

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