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On 2024-09-19 14:36, Mike Saunders wrote:

Sorry for top-posting, but on the road...

It's an interesting idea. Given that LibreOffice is clearly becoming the best office suite choice for privacy, something like ".pdt" (private document text) would probably be a better choice.

OTOH, there's been a lot of work over the last decade to spread awareness of ODF and its extensions, so making such a big change could be very difficult. And that's just from the marketing side -- I'm not sure what would happen on various operating systems if one new LibreOffice release started saving in .pdt rather than .odt, and how the OSes would handle the file associations...

Normally, it shouldn't change anything. When you install software, it tells the OS which extensions it understands. Many applications change the extensions they support when new versions come out. For example, Guitar Pro supports .gp4, .gp5, .gp. and .gpx.

The real question is: will the extensions clash with well-known extensions. For example, .pdt is "Printer Definition Table", .mdt is used by Microsoft but seems to be an old extension. I didn't look at the others.


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