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On 2024-08-05 03:10, Philippe Westenfelder wrote:
Personally I don’t associate free with cheap.

There is an Afrikaans proverb whose English translation is _Inexpensive goods are the most expensive goods_.

But it’s a good question if LibreOffice should really take the price as primary USP?

Ignore price. It reeks of desperation.
Focus on value.

To take a potential a potential USP:

_You do You: Your Documents. Your Language. Your Way._

You own your documents.
* Your documents are on your personal hardware.

You can write documents in your language.
* You can spell check documents in your language.
* Grammar checking is available for 30 languages
** Of the ten most used languages, Hindi, Bengali, and Lahnda are not supported;
** For endangered languages, the limiting factor is fonts;
** For endangered writing systems, Unicode support is the limitation;
** Unicode supports 159 of the 293 natural writing systems;

There are workarounds for most unsupported writing systems (^1);
There are workarounds for most unsupported languages (^2);
How easy it is to utilize those workarounds depends upon the writing system, and language.

I think it would be better if privacy take place as primary USP.

Privacy should be paramount, for any number of reasons.
Explaining why that should be the case gets into politics, which is, at best, a tricky scenario.


^1: Natural writing systems whose writing direction is either Boustrophedon or Reverse Boustrophedon are not supported in LibreOffice.
^2: As a general rule of thumb, these are conlangs such as Lilliputian.


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