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Hi Boudi,

On 02/08/2024 11:18, Clocked Modular wrote:

Is it not smarter to talk about the Office suit with the highest price
performance ratio available, than about Free!

“LibreOffice is Free and Open Source Software” than will become
“LibreOffice is the Office suite with the highest price performance”

Interesting idea. I'd just be concerned of people only focusing on the words "highest price" and ignoring the rest :-) Maybe I'm being paranoid, but attention spans on social media are so low now...

In any case, the word "free" is problematic. People get Google Docs and (in some cases) Microsoft Office/365 for "free". Other people associate "free" with "stealing my data". So I think it's worth putting more effort into promoting the privacy aspects of LibreOffice...


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