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Hi Mike,

That's a good point. I've changed it to "The latest LibreOffice, well-tested and suitable for all users."

We talked on the marketing Telegram channel about alternative wording, especially when we go back to having two major releases offered...


On 18/07/2024 11:52, Kaganski Mike wrote:

Recently, version 7.6 EOLed; at that point, it was removed from official download page [1], and 
since version 2.8 hasn't been released yet [2], the download page only lists version 24.2.5 
currently as the primary download offer. So far, I don't see a major problem; the related but 
different topic of possibly postponing EOL till the release of the next branch is not discussed 

In the current situation, 24.2.5 is advertised on the download page as "If you're a technology enthusiast, early adopter or power user, this 
version is for you!", the same as previous bugfix releases of the same branch. And here is the problem. The "early adopter" release it 
the only one offered to users visiting LibreOffice site. This created FUD, created by ourselves. There are questions like [3], [4]; there appear 
advises confusingly suggesting that 24.2.4 may be preferred over 24.2.5 [5]. Even the release announcement of 24.2.5 [6] has "For users who 
don’t need the latest features and prefer a version that has undergone more testing and bug fixing, The Document Foundation maintains a version with 
some months of back-ported fixes" statement, without a direct reference to it. But the previous announcement [7] had "The current release 
is LibreOffice 7.6.7 Community, but it will soon be replaced exactly by LibreOffice 24.2.4 when the new major release LibreOffice 24.8 becomes 
available" statement, implying that 24.2.4 was meant to obtain "more tested" status.

Note that "more tested" is not simply "more tested than the other offering on this download page", 
but - more importantly - results in a different target audience. And we must make sure, that at the point when there is 
no second offering, our single offering has reached the point of maturity to target those who need stability (note that 
practically, 24.2.5 is already there), and that _it_is_marked_as_such_officially_ - both in release announcement, and 
on download page.


Best regards,
Mike Kaganski

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