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Hi Anshuman,

On 10.07.23 09:23, Anshuman Pandey wrote:

I have finished the Calc and Writer screenshots. Could you please let me
know how I can send this to you? Would links from WeTransfer work?

Great -- yes, WeTransfer or some other file hosting site is fine. Then I can take a look, and we can upload them to the TDF infrastructure (eg the wiki) for others to see, and possibly make translated versions!

While working on the Impress screenshots, I wondered, what are we aiming
to show/capture? e.g,. one thing that I thought would be interesting to
capture is the ability to modify and create Master Slides, which is more
of a power users' need and from what I gather free alternatives like
OnlyOffice don't have. If you or the team have more ideas please let me

That sounds like a good idea indeed. See if it's something you can demonstrate clearly with a few screenshots, and if it works, let's do it.

Looking forward to seeing them!


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