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Hi Anshuman,

On 05.07.23 13:59, Anshuman Pandey wrote:

*Screenshots: *I can start on this ASAP and provide 4-5 screenshots for each of the Writer, Impress, and Calc programs. As I understand the idea is to show the capability of the software to handle various complex tasks. I will aim to provide this to you latest by Monday (10th) afternoon India time, let me know if this is ok.

Sure, that's great! On which operating system are you planning to take the screenshots? We like to show GNU/Linux/BSD where possible, as supporters of free and open source software, but given that the majority of our users are on Windows, we can show that too.
*Video: *Given my video editing skills are not up to the mark, it will be good if someone more experienced can work with me, I am happy to provide the different video snippets of what's new in the new version.

Thanks -- if you can make some short video clips showing the different LibreOffice apps (eg inserting an image in Writer, creating a table in Calc, applying a transition effect in Impress) then we can use them in a general "What is LibreOffice?" video.

In the meantime, I'll go through the Release Notes for LibreOffice 7.6 and select some things that we can show in a video for that. The "New Features" videos get quite a lot of views -- for instance, the 7.3 has nearly 200,000 views:

*Local Marketing Activities: *I am currently based in Mumbai (India) but starting end of next week would travel extensively until the end of the year in the US, Canada and India. During this time, I will be visiting family members and attending to some personal affairs. But, I am happy to support any local marketing remotely until I find my next long term station.

Good to hear! In the meantime, we can do great things with screenshots, video clips and videos. Thanks again for all your help :-)


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