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IMO this shows how important consumer engagement and thoughtful UX can do. They have seen 40% CAGR 
from 2017-2021 and would have gotten a decent 30% jump over 2021 with just their engagement 
strategy. But they went beyond just asking for donations to making it accessible and easy to do so 
for every user. I assume most of the existing users upgraded because it was a big release and the 
daily prompting with smooth UX to donate would have captured the uplift we see. Great lesson in 
increasing the customer lifetime value. It would be an interesting 2023 for them, I am not counting 
on another 130% YoY growth, but it has potential to go over the 40% CAGR that we saw in the last 
few years.

Kind Regards,


------- Original Message -------
On Friday, May 12th, 2023 at 3:52 AM, Italo Vignoli wrote:

The link is wrong:

Thunderbird has historically a very good download/donation ratio, which
is one order of magnitude higher than LibreOffice (1 donation every 30
downloads vs 1 donation every 300 downloads).

In addition, the average donation is higher for Thunderbird (21 US
dollars vs 12.5 euro).

Thunderbird shows the donation request on a daily basis, but when we
have increased the frequency from zero to once every six months we have
been criticized.

I would personally show the quest for donations every two weeks, but it
seems impossible.

According to the Thunderbird blog post: "In short, we learned that
projects like ours can benefit greatly from simply asking for donations,
while simultaneously explaining how those donations will benefit the
project – and ultimately, how they will benefit you."

If you look at the blog post, what they do in term of communications is
very similar to what we do: they blog, they send messages, they use
social media.

So, the basic difference is that Thunderbird asks for donations on a
daily basis - although in a very gentle way - and we ask every 6 months,
at the time of download and then 180 days after installation and every
180 days after that (we also ask in a very gentle way).

On 11/05/23 17:44, James Harking wrote:

Hello everyone,

I happened to come across the financial report from the Thunderbird team.

It appears they have had a brilliant year. I was wondering what is it that
they are doing that TDF isn't and if there are any learnings that can be
taken from them?

Kind regards,


Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email
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