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and I kept at it for a little while,

So a real first draft, I put the two runs one after so the run length went
to 1:13

The sound track is not quite right, some popping with the car engine mix,
but you get the idea.

What do you think?

and now it is no longer Sunday here,


On Sun, Jan 13, 2019 at 11:37 PM Drew Jensen <>

Sorry, lets try that URL again for the second file

On Sun, Jan 13, 2019 at 11:34 PM Drew Jensen <>

Of course there had another one in there, heck it isn't just a Sunday it
is a snowy Sunday where I'm at.

so four versions of LO on the screen, from top left and running clockwise
6.0, 6.1, 6.3 alpha, 6.2 RC2
this time the version number is overlaid the cpu monitor screen captures
and fade out, in timing similar to the calculation time...

Anyway - realizing calculation threading became standard last release I
was thinking it worth a mention in a social media post for the coming 6.2
as the developers have continued working on the feature.

So, these are some first ideas for a video to go along with that TBD post

Suppose I'm asking if folks this would be worth the effort?

Best wishes,


On Sun, Jan 13, 2019 at 10:29 PM Drew Jensen <>


What you think about something to highlight the work going into speeding
up Calc..

I was playing with some of the test files available in the source tree.
This particular file recalculates in half the time using LO 6.2 RC2 as
compared to 6.0.7 on the machine here.

How to show that graphically, me thought.

After a few minutes of fiddling came up this.

Too rough to share?


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