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Hi :)
The wikipedia entry for OpenOffice seemed really quite biased towards
Apache OpenOffice and somewhat confusing terminology that
misrepresented the facts.

So i just edited the introduction.  Previously it said;
" (OOo) a discontinued open-source ..."
so i deleted the word "discontinued" and added a line saying
"Now renamed as both "Apache OpenOffice" (AOO) and "LibreOffice" (LO
(or LibO)) as both copied their original code from OOo."

I don't know why mainstreamers have such trouble with the notion that
it's possible to copy&paste as well as cut&paste.  Perhaps they just
don't understand biological systems either.  When cells first divide
which is the original! ffs.  Of course the answer is both "neither"
and "both" at the same time so i guess it is a difficult concept to

The page also made a big point about the code contribution from IBM
but no mention of Go-oo so i added that and added that both had
contributed code to the other (because outright admitting that IBM's
contribution is also going into LO might be taken badly by corporate
organisations).  Hopefully all just vague enough to be true and to
avoid potential problems wrt to ownership etc.  Finally, it seemed
weird that there were no links to Apache or TDF.

So hopefully all quite a lot better now!
Regards from
Tom :)

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