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Hi Adolfo,

On 6 March 2014 16:03, Adolfo Jayme Barrientos <> wrote:
I loved Eleonora’s logo, which was the only one that looked
professional: lovely drawn, not too distanced from main LibreOffice
brand, use of a high-quality font (Gotham), the nice typographic
detail on the R (long stem), lack of stupid replaced letters (I hate
the triangles standing for the O in “conference” in current logo), no
unnecessary & cheesy graphical elements trying to relate to cities

Are you sure you're referring to Eleonora's designs? Because while they seem
to use Gotham, they do have triangles in the O and no stem detail in the R.
Maybe you mean Safwan's design? Or is there a design by Eleonora that was not
on the design list.


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